

I believe that massage therapy interconnects deep physiological and emotional healing with rejuvenating relaxation to help bring the body and life into balance. For me, massage is about more than just musculature, and allows a space for the mind, emotions, and spirit to settle and find clarity and comfort. 

I am a massage therapist and an herbalist, finishing training at the Heartstone Center for Earth Essentials Herbal School in 2013 and graduating from the Finger Lakes School of Massage in New York in 2014. I have worked extensively in medical massage modalities, treating specific areas of concern, and have also enjoyed using many other modalities such as Swedish massage, Deep Tissue, Connective Tissue Therapy, and Fascia release for both pain relief and overall relaxation. I also see massage as a very helpful tool for mental/emotional balance and enjoy working with people experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, as a way to help calm and reset the nervous system. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to do this work, and to combine many years of learning into individualized sessions for each person. 

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